Wednesday, 28 August 2013

cuber bulling

if you have been bulled or cuber bulled go no 08000 what up. Cuber bulling can be done throught text facbook phone and other

Friday, 22 March 2013


hello room11. Alexandra IS hot [everyday he he he]  I will put on post  on about  my school the terrace school

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


My group is reading a book called escape he is a bit of it. Asha are you there it me,s katina  the only answers were a squawk from the stalled chicken.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

word war 1 end

It's going to be the 94 year when  word war 1 end. it called  armistice day. At the 11 of the 11 at 11 clock it will be two minutes of Peace's and quit.

word war 1 end

It's going to be the 94 year when  word war 1 end. it called  armistice day. At the 11 of the 11 at 11 clock it will be two minutes of Peace's and quit.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

term 3 reflection

Something I am proud of is volleyball because I learnt to spike , dig set and have good sportsmanship.      Something I still need to work on is my proofreading because  sometime sentences  do not make  sense.

Reading goal To read what on the pages and go back to the mistakes  so it make  sense.

 Writing gaol  To  use grammar where it's needed and understand how to use it.             

Math goal is to know my 12 back to front.